Accidents are a part of life . . . a ridiculous statement when you are suffering from an injury caused by another person. Except for their negligence, your accident didn’t have to be a part of your life. Any pithy comment that “accidents happen” is not welcome. Your accident didn’t just happen; it was caused by the carelessness and failure to consider the consequences of, quite possibly, an imbecile.

Without listing all of the conceivable injuries you could suffer at the hands of inconsiderate people; the fact remains, you have been seriously injured and now you have to do something to counteract the consequences. Don’t let an accident be a problem, call us today: 

Taking Charge

The last thing you want to do is wait for the other guy to do the right thing. From our experience, that never works out. The best way to take charge of your situation is to call Ladah Law, PLLC. We are experienced personal injury attorneys. Even though we haven’t seen every ridiculous way someone could inflict harm on you, we know the important dynamics of personal injury cases.

First priority is establishing fault and liability on the person or company that caused you harm and identifying their insurance coverage. The second priority is to obtain for you the compensation you need and deserve for your injuries and losses. It doesn’t matter if it was a medical mistake, a car accident, or an icy floor at the grocery store, we identify the liable parties and fight for your rights.

Seldom do the responsible people apologize and accept blame commensurate with your injuries. Somehow you were to blame as well, which of course is legal doublespeak for, “we don’t want to have to pay for our mistake.” We understand these tactics and won’t let them get away with it.

Obtaining Your Rightful Compensation

Except for the accident, you wouldn’t need your current and future medical bills, lost income, lost property, or pain and suffering covered; but it still remains that you were injured and your losses are real. You shouldn’t be expected to pay for someone else’s negligence.

Give Ladah Law a call as soon after your injury as possible. We know how to obtain the settlement you deserve and fight for your future.

Contact An Enterprise Car Accident Attorney

< Between 2000 and 2010 the population of Enterprise increased by 639.2% or by roughly 91,509 residents. That means your odds of getting into a car accident in Enterprise went up a lot as well. You probably haven’t had time to meet all your new neighbors so you don’t know which of them like to knock back a few before driving or habitually text their lover in city traffic. You will just have to take your chances. Call us: 702-252-0055.

It is irritating to share the road with distracted or impaired drivers since you can’t point them out, that is until one of them rear ends you or drifts into you lane and hits you head on. Now it isn’t just irritating, it could be life-threatening. What you do next will affect the rest of your life.

Take Control Of The Situation

As you struggle to deal with the injuries in your accident in Enterprise, the other guy’s insurance is trying to figure out how to blame the accident on you or on anything other than their client. They have no desire to pay for your injuries or losses. That is why you or a family member needs to call Ladah Law, PLLC, as soon after the accident as possible. We immediately step forward to protect your rights, preserving evidence and testimony that will establish liability for the accident on the negligent driver. While we manage your case you can then lay back on your hospital pillow and focus on recovering from your accident.

We have extensive experience with car accidents. We know that details matter so we don’t let anything slide. We focus on every aspect of your case to make sure the other person is found to be 100% responsible and liable for your predicament.

Obtaining Your Rightful Compensation

No matter how much money the insurance company initially offers, it won’t be enough to cover your needs into the future. An inadequate settlement isn’t acceptable to us. It eventually translates into unnecessary pain and hardship. We make sure your settlement covers current and future medical bills, rehabilitation, lost property, lost income, lost opportunity, as well as pain and suffering. We also pay attention to the other losses you incurred that were caused by your accident.

We’re Your Enterprise Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Being involved in a motorcycle crash in Enterprise can turn your world upside down. Following the crash there are myriad actions that must be accomplished: reports need to be filed with insurance companies, statements must be given to law enforcement and insurance company employees, medical appointments must be kept, and (if the crash was the result of another’s fault) a lawsuit must be timely filed. Adding to the stress is the fact that Las Vegas motorcyclists involved in crashes tend to suffer injuries that are much more severe than occupants of a passenger motor vehicle. Call Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas today so we can help you through this: 702-252-0055.

If your motorcycle crash was the result of another’s fault, it is in your best interests to speak with an Enterprise motorcycle accident attorney. In many cases, you can recover compensation for the losses you experienced. Call an experienced attorney right away for a consultation: 702-252-0055.

Why Work with an Enterprise Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Working with an attorney is a very personal choice, but choosing to work with an attorney may feel like overkill; you may feel confident that because you weren’t at fault for your crash, the insurance company of the other driver will surely pay your claim. Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict what an insurance adjuster may do and the tactics that they may use to diminish your claim. However, you should be able to confidently assume that an insurance adjuster will not be eager to pay you what you deserve; an insurance adjuster’s primary job is to save an insurance company money.

When you work with an Enterprise motorcycle accident attorney, your attorney will advocate for you. Our law firm will support you by:

  • Investigating your accident and collective evidence, including photos of the accident scene, police reports, testimony from the driver who hit you and eyewitnesses, any existing video evidence of the crash, and more;
  • Building your claim, which includes handling all claim documents and issuing a demand letter to the insurance company;
  • Calculating the value of your damages and determine what your claim is worth;
  • Reviewing an insurance company’s settlement offer;
  • Negotiating a settlement offer; and
  • Filing a lawsuit and litigating your case in court if necessary.

In addition to the above, our motorcycle accident law firm will also be available to answer any questions that you have throughout the process.

For those who are worried that they will not be able to hire a motorcycle accident attorney, it’s important to know that motorcycle accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that if your case is not successful and you do not recover a settlement, you will not owe your attorney a cent; their fee is contingent on your win. If you do win your case, then your attorney will be paid a percentage of your winnings. There are no upfront fees or hourly or retainer fees that you have to worry about. And at the office of Ladah Law, our Enterprise motorcycle accident attorneys offer free consultations.

Types of Damages Recoverable in a Motorcycle Accident Claim

When you have been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, you deserve to be compensated in full for your losses. Types of damages that our Enterprise motorcycle accident attorneys can help you to recover include.

  • Medical expenses. If you are seriously injured, you can expect your damages to total into tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even if you have health insurance, you may have high deductibles, and your health insurance may not cover all of your expenses. Our law firm will advocate for your right to recover compensation for all of your medical expenses, including future medical costs associated with your injuries.
  • Property damages costs. Likely, your motorcycle was totaled in the crash. You may also have suffered damages to valuable items on your person, ranging from your helmet to items you were carrying to your clothing and more. You can seek compensation for the full value of these costs.
  • Lost wages. When a person is involved in an accident, they may suffer injuries that prevent them from returning to work immediately, if at all. Not only will a person lose their daily wages as a result, but they may also suffer a loss of earning capacity and benefits that they would have accrued in the future. Like medical expenses, you deserve to be compensated for the value of your present and future lost wages.
  • Pain, suffering, and emotional distress. While things like pain, suffering, emotional distress, diminished quality of life, and psychological harm are difficult to calculate, you do deserve to be compensated for these things. Our lawyers will work hard to calculate these damages and make sure that you’re compensated for these losses, too.

If you have suffered any other damages, economic or noneconomic, you can seek compensation for these losses; the above list is not exhaustive.

Statute of Limitations in an Enterprise Motorcycle Accident Claim

While the idea of taking action quickly after a crash may feel overwhelming, you need to meet with an attorney and begin the claims process as soon as possible. This is because the statute of limitations for motorcycle accident claims is only two years from the date that the accident occurs. This means that a person must file a claim within two years of the date of the crash and, if they do not, they can be permanently barred from compensation. There are very few exceptions to this rule. Starting the claims process has other advantages, too, including that evidence will be better preserved if you start the process early, and you may be able to recover a settlement quicker, too.

Steps in a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

Many people are confused or uncertain about how their individual motorcycle accident case will progress through court. Not knowing what to expect can increase your stress during this time and lead to anger and frustration. Motorcyclists who are injured and who file a lawsuit can expect their case to follow this general procedural outline:

  • Initial pleadings. Either you or your attorney (if you hire one) will file initial pleadings with the court. This document sets forth your version of the facts, why you believe those facts entitle you to compensation, and what compensation you are seeking. These papers are then filed with the court and given to the defendant, who has an opportunity to respond to you. In some cases, if the defendant believes you caused him or her injury, the defendant can file a counterclaim seeking damages against you.
  • Discovery and Pretrial. The case next enters what is referred to as the discovery stage. This is an evidence-gathering stage that can last for several months or, in some extreme cases, years. The purpose of this stage is for each of the parties to exchange information about the evidence they have and to gather evidence of their own to support their claims. Here witnesses to the crash may be interviewed or deposed, photographs may be collected, and expert witnesses (such as accident reconstructionists) can be consulted. The attorneys may also ask the court to enter certain orders governing the trial.
  • Trial. After discovery is complete, there will be a trial on the matter. At any time prior to the conclusion of the trial, the parties may settle their case. A settlement usually involves the defendant paying a certain sum of money in return for the injured plaintiff agreeing not to seek any other damages or compensation.

Protect Your Rights by Hiring a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Each stage has its own procedures and timelines that must be complied with or else your case faces dismissal. The Enterprise motorcycle accident lawyers at the Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas will help you and be there for you each step of the way.Contact them at 702-252-0055 today for a free consultation.