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Dangerous Worksites in Nevada

Construction worker with hardhat off rubbing his neck that is in pain.
When you go to work in Las Vegas, Nevada, you should not have to worry about getting hurt on the job. However, there are many jobs that remose more safety risks than others. And even if you do not work in a field that is known to have certain dangers, it is still important to take precautions to avoid an injury on the job. What are some of the most dangerous worksite conditions in Nevada and across the country? And what steps can you take to help avoid getting hurt at work?

Learning More About Dangerous Jobs

What are some of the most dangerous jobs in America? According to an article in Forbes, worksites with known hazards exist across many different fields and professions. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently calculated the rate of injury at various types of jobs and put together a list of some of the most dangerous places to work, which include the following:

  • Taxi drivers;
  • Nursing assistants;
  • Construction workers;
  • Emergency medical technicians;
  • Tractor-trailer (or large truck) drivers;
  • Correctional officers;
  • Firefighters;
  • Police officers;
  • Farmers and agricultural workers; and
  • Veterinarians.

Some of these jobs might not immediately strike you as especially dangerous. Why are so many employees getting hurt at worksites such as hospitals and on the highways around Las Vegas? In short, while heavy equipment on worksites can result in serious injuries, some of the most common hazards that employees face are those that can result in slip and fall accidents, falls from heights, and severe auto accidents.

Most Common Causes of Construction Site and Other Worksite Injuries

According to a fact sheet from, the following are among the most common types of workplace injuries in America:

  • Repetitive motion injuries (such as from frequent typing or from certain kinds of manufacturing jobs);
  • Machine entanglement;
  • Motor vehicle accidents;
  • “Walking into” injuries (such as walking into doors, windows, or other hazardous objects);
  • Falling object injuries (such as when an object falls from a shelf or a roof and strikes the employee);
  • Reaction injuries (such as when an employee slips or trips but does not fall);
  • Falls from heights;
  • Slips, trips, and falls; and
  • Overexertion injuries (such as pulling, lifting, carrying, or pushing).

According to a fact sheet from the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), slip and fall accidents are the primary reason that people file workers’ compensation claims, and they are the primary cause of occupational injury among employees aged 55 and older. As you can imagine, slips and falls can occur at almost any worksite in Las Vegas, and nearly all of these accidents are preventable.

Employers Have a Duty to Keep Workers Safe from Preventable Harms

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employers are required to take steps to prevent serious injuries at work. If you believe you are working at a jobsite where the conditions are unsafe, what should you do? Employees can file a complaint with OSHA at any time. In the event that a worksite hazard is so serious that it “clearly present a risk of death or serious physical harm” and the employer has not properly attended to safety precautions, the employee may be within her rights to refuse to work in that situation.

If you got hurt on the job, you may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit. An experienced Las Vegas personal injury attorney can assist with your case. Contact the Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas today for more information.