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Can I Receive Compensation for an Uber Accident?

Uber has grown in popularity in Nevada, and thousands of people hail rides every single day by using the Uber app on their phones. Like other motorists, however, Uber drivers get into all kinds of accidents for a variety of reasons. If you were hurt as a passenger, or if an Uber driver struck you out on the road, then you might qualify for compensation. Our Nevada Uber accident lawyer explains more in this post and encourages victims to reach out for a free consultation.

Man holds phone with Uber loading screen on it.

Uber Accidents Are Analyzed by Fault

Nevada remains a “fault” state for car collisions. This means that whoever is responsible for the crash (“at fault”), must pay compensation to injured victims. Fault can be shared, and anyone who is 51% or more at fault cannot seek compensation. But so long as you are 50% or less to blame, then you can seek a settlement to cover economic and non-economic losses.

How do we know who is at fault for a collision? Following a crash, you should get evidence that will prove useful. For example:

  • Speak to witnesses about what they saw and ask for their contact information.
  • Call the police to the scene so that they can investigate.
  • Take photographs of the vehicles involved in the crash.
  • Write down your own memories of what happened.
  • Preserve any dash cam footage that you have.

We have helped people receive compensation if they were injured while riding in an Uber, or if an Uber hit them while they were driving or walking.

Uber Insurance Available

If an Uber driver is to blame, then the amount of compensation available will depend on where they were in their “ride cycle:

  • The driver is not even logged onto the Uber app. In this case, the driver is like anyone else out on the road. You will make a claim on their personal car insurance. Nevada’s minimum policy limits are $20,000 for property damage, and $25,000 for one person’s bodily injuries or death, up to $50,000 for two or more injured victims.
  • The driver is logged in and looking for a ride. In this situation, Nevada Revised Statutes § 690B.470 requires that Uber have $50,000 per person in bodily injury liability coverage, up to $100,000 for two or more injured victims. Property damage coverage is $25,000 at a minimum.
  • The driver has accepted a ride or has a passenger in the car. Nevada law requires at least $1.5 million in insurance coverage for medical bills, income loss, pain and suffering, and property damage.

If you were riding in an Uber and were struck by another vehicle, you will make a claim on that driver’s car insurance. The good news is that Uber’s coverage will step in if you have losses that exceed that driver’s policy.

5 Mistakes to Avoid Following Uber Accidents

To increase your chances of receiving compensation, we highly recommend that you avoid these mistakes:

  • Mistake #1: You wait for the Uber driver to call the police. There’s no reason to wait. You can call yourself, even if you were a passenger. You want the police to show up to collect evidence, speak to witnesses, and maybe request a breath test if the driver is intoxicated.
  • Mistake #2: You try to negotiate a settlement on your own. Insurers have little reason to make fair offers. Instead, they like to drag their feet until you are so desperate that you grab at the first settlement offer.
  • Mistake #3: You agree with the driver not to make an insurance claim. The driver might be afraid that his premiums will increase, so he offers you cash to settle your claim. You should never make this kind of agreement. Uber drivers have insurance for a reason, and that reason is to compensate victims.
  • Mistake #4: You try to self-diagnose your injuries. This is a good way to not get the treatment you need. Instead of scrolling through websites, go to the hospital.
  • Mistake #5: You hire a lawyer who has never handled Uber claims. The process requires someone with the skill and experience to aggressively negotiate a fair settlement. Contact Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas.


Handling Uber and Other Rideshare Claims

Our Nevada Uber lawyers are always available to discuss the details of your accident. To contact us directly, call (702) 252-0055. In a consultation, we can discuss how you were injured, what the police found, and other important evidence. We can also discuss your chances of receiving a settlement with Uber or its insurer.